Transaction details
Different types of transactions have a lot in common, although they can vary in some parts. To tackle this
issue, transactions are embedded with a Transaction Details schema which depends on the type of payment product
used to process the transaction. This can also be seen in the
POST /transaction/start call.
For more information about additional merchant data
click here.
The following sections show the different details types available:
Apple Pay
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
token_data <string>: Apple Pay token data
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
capture_now <boolean>: Whether auto-capture or not. Defaults to 'true'. Setting the boolean to 'false' will only authorize the transaction
card_holder <string>: Cardholder's name
card_token <string>: Card token. For performing a transaction based on a card token. The fields card_holder, card_token, card_cvv and card_expiry_month and card_expiry_year are required
card_cvv <string>: Card CVV/CVC. Please be aware that due to PCI compliance you're never allowed to store the CVV/CVC
card_expiry_month <integer>: The card expiry month
card_expiry_year <integer>: The card expiry year
force_3DSecure <boolean>: Force 3D Secure on this transaction
origin <string>: The fully qualified Origin of your application (used for hosted card iFrame integration)
redirect_parent_function <string>: Redirect parent window function name (used for hosted card iFrame integration)
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
skip_fraud_check <boolean>: Indicates whether the anti-fraud check should be skipped. Defaults to 'false'
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after completing/aborting the transaction
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
dummy_outcome <string>: If set, the transaction is directly updated to this transaction status
dummy_outcome_update <string>: If set, the transaction will be updated to this transaction status
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after completing/aborting the transaction
account_type <string>: The type of the account used for the transaction
bank_account <string>: The bank account token ID
check_number <string>: The number of the check used (used in case of ACH, and it's optional)
order_source <string>: The source of the order (This is field is Vantiv specific as far as we know)
type <string>: Type of direct debit transaction
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
provider_id <string>: Finshark provider Id
Google Pay
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
token_data <string>: Google Pay token data
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
issuer <string>: The issuer's identifier
goods_list <array>: <number>
goods_list.flags <array>
goods_list.price <number>
goods_list.quantity <number>
goods_list.reference <string>
goods_list.vat <number>
pclass <number>: The ID of the associated PClass
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
description <string>: Payment description, displayed on the PayPal page. Maximum characters: 127
capture_now <boolean>: Whether auto-capture or not. Defaults to 'true'. Setting the boolean to 'false' will only authorize the transaction
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after completing/aborting the transaction
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
bank <array>: SEPA bank details for transaction
account_number <string>
bank_code <string>
country_code <string>
holder_name <string>
mandate <string>: SEPA mandate reference
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after completing/aborting the transaction
checkout_id <string>: Optional reference to a checkout object
redirect_url <string>: The return url to which the customer is redirected after an approval
bank <string>: The Volt bank ID